In my opinion, when I think of Twitter I think of an open social media conversation that any user can partake. Twitter is for anyone who wants to voice their opinion or facts about any topic. We can favorite, save tweets, retweet, subtweet, and follow friends, family, other people or, organizations. Users can also share articles, Direct Message other users, quote other tweets, and upload pictures and videos. Verified accounts is another function on Twitter. Certain accounts have verified blue check mark to verify to other users that the person is real. Mostly celebrities and politicians have this function because they are followed by a lot of people.
This platform of social media holds high power because it voices users private and public perspectives. This is so important because it leaves a trail of what a user does, thinks, values, and supports. We can learn a lot about a user based off what they Tweet. In the link below this article can give a person an understanding of how Twitter works in an interactive way. The FBI interns of Albuquerque New Mexico offered to answers to questions about certain their honors internship program and the conversation went into a different direction.
Based on this article from the Huffington Post, my perception of Twitter stands. Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to have an open conversation with any other user under any topic. Users who were replying to the FBI by taking advantage of their professional help and turning it into a mockery.