Thursday, September 21, 2017

So can we be Facebook friends?

 Ahh, Facebook! One of the most successful and game-changing social media platforms. Facebook started when I was in elementary school in 2004. A couple years later as I entered in high school, Facebook was the way incoming freshman got to know each other. The "cool" thing was to see how many Facebook friends you can get. The more people you know the more popular you were. My parents were against me having a Facebook and I thought that if someone wanted to get to know me then, they can meet in the hallways and not on the internet. I liked my privacy but I also told myself someday I will eventually sign up and get an account.

 When I was 18 years old after I graduated high school; I got a Facebook. My parents were against social media but I knew that Facebook would help me connect and network with people.  Although Facebook was an older form of social media in 2014, I thought that was okay to be apart of the hype now. I knew to be careful of what I liked, comment and post. I knew that my private life would be online and I was ready to share who I am.  Reasons, why I got a Facebook, was because I wanted to have a change in my life and I also thought that I would have closer friendships with people from college than in high school.

Now of being apart of Facebook for about three years, I use it daily. I am in touch with people from overseas and other states. I like to see what my family and friends are up to. I am still careful with what I share and I try to limit how much of my time I spend on it. I am now more free with clicking the "Like" button but I am still careful because I know that I am being tracked. Facebook is also social media platform that I used for school purposes with class pages. I also use Facebook to share my interest of cute videos and "like" the photos that people post. 

 facebook social media likes matt01ss GIF

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