Sunday, October 29, 2017


One of my favorite football teams is the Buffalo Bills. This team is not one of the popular teams but I like the team because it is the team that my dad likes. My dad grew up in Buffalo and we still have family who live there. The team grew on me because growing up my dad likes having company when he watches the games on a Sunday afternoon. Now that I am at college I do not watch football but instead, I follow the team on social media.

Twitter page for the Buffalo Bills
 The Buffalo Bills have social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. On all of these platforms, the Bills has several thousand followers but they do not follow back many other users. The most followers they have is on Twitter which is 812.6 K.
A recent promotion for the Buffalo Bills and Fans
 A recent promotion that happened today was asking the fans to take a selfie and use the geotag filter Bills Selfie. This promotion was presented by Aesthetic Associates. This promotion was to push fans to submit a selfie and in exchange their picture would be on the scoreboard at the football game this afternoon. This was a smart promotion to get the fans to show off their bills spirit and to sport their face in between halftime and quarters.
An Instagram post of two teammates dancing after scoring a touchdown 
I follow the Bills on Facebook and Instagram. I get to see the live stream score on Facebook. As of right now, they are beating the Oakland Raiders. The Bills post a picture every time they score a touchdown to try to spread the word that they are winning and promote action shots of the players. This tactic helps with promoting the team and to let their followers know that they are doing well in the games.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Stay Calm and Embrace Chnage

School is back in full swing after a nice mid-semester break. The weather is starting to feel like fall at the good ole Mount St. Mary's. Student, faculty, staff, administrators, and other community members are starting to order the typical pumpkin spice lattes, wearing boots and vests. With being back at school I am now trying to master time management again. I look up quotes and gifs to remind myself to relax and stay calm.

Image result for calm down gif
A little pep talk from Mark Walhberg. (google images)

Mark Wahlberg is one of my favorite actors. He is in one of my favorite films called The Other Guys. I like his character that he plays in this movie. I frequently like quoting movie lines when talking to my friends and for the past week I have been quoting Wahlberg's line "I'm a peacock, you gotta let me fly."

Overall, being a college student has been busy in all aspects. However, I am managing by telling myself one day at a time. I also tell myself if my day is not going according to plan to breathe and read remind myself of the quote below. I believe that these quotes were trending around 2012 and I am glad that they still circulate the internet today.

Image result for keep calm and embrace change
Motivation quote for the week. (google images)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Just Checking In

It's Midterms week here at Mount St. Mary's University. Since it's my last set of Midterms for a fall semester I am still keeping up the spirit up while giving my best!

   So far in COMM 373, I have learned that each social media platforms are broken into a technology, users, content, ownership, governance, and business models categories. I find this to be the most interesting because I have never thought of social in these terms. These terms help me rethink of what I am actually doing on my social media. I also think it is interesting that VanDijk thought of social media in these terms because I have never thought that social media would be a "technology" so to speak. 

 The most boring assignment that we had was reading the Sular reading. It was an extremely long text about social media that was hard to digest. Luckily as a class, we dissected the important aspects but it was still challenging. Other additional readings have been okay but they are still long and very and dry about 50% of the time. 

What I have been learning is the technicality of social media. I have experience with social media for the past four years and I am still learning the ways to optimize my profile and how to present the best version of myself online. By taking COMM 373 I will learn the tools to present my online self more professionally.

Image result for stress and hope
Image from Google. This quote targets me because I too turn to scripture during midterms week.