Friday, October 6, 2017

Just Checking In

It's Midterms week here at Mount St. Mary's University. Since it's my last set of Midterms for a fall semester I am still keeping up the spirit up while giving my best!

   So far in COMM 373, I have learned that each social media platforms are broken into a technology, users, content, ownership, governance, and business models categories. I find this to be the most interesting because I have never thought of social in these terms. These terms help me rethink of what I am actually doing on my social media. I also think it is interesting that VanDijk thought of social media in these terms because I have never thought that social media would be a "technology" so to speak. 

 The most boring assignment that we had was reading the Sular reading. It was an extremely long text about social media that was hard to digest. Luckily as a class, we dissected the important aspects but it was still challenging. Other additional readings have been okay but they are still long and very and dry about 50% of the time. 

What I have been learning is the technicality of social media. I have experience with social media for the past four years and I am still learning the ways to optimize my profile and how to present the best version of myself online. By taking COMM 373 I will learn the tools to present my online self more professionally.

Image result for stress and hope
Image from Google. This quote targets me because I too turn to scripture during midterms week.

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