Sunday, November 26, 2017

Be Thankful for a Change of Scenery

Over Thanksgiving break, I spent time with my mom, dad, and older sister. It was nice to be home and to have a change of scenery from school. However, over this past Thanksgiving break, I was typing a seven-page paper. So it was a restful yet very productive break. However, I did get to see some family members that I have not seen in a couple of years. It was so nice to catch up with them as we shared a meal together.

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I thought that Janie Henderson's talk about Social Movement was very informative. She is really good at research and background information about social movements in her community. Her insights about the national guard coming to her street and following the mandatory locked down would have made me uneasy. Also thought it was interesting that she was following Twitter versus the news because it was more accurate and more geared towards her needs versus the local news was an interesting piece of advice.  

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My reaction to this ending of this semester featuring the cast of Anchorman

I am looking forward to ending my last fall semester of college on a good note. I will be happy and relieved and jump for joy when this semester is over. I am going to "give it my all" for my last assignments. Also the last couple of weeks I have really enjoyed the classes I have been taking even though the work has been hard. I like my professors and I look forward to going to all my classes.

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