Tuesday, November 14, 2017

It's A Shame

Public Shaming a person online is a sticky situation. It's usually very embarrassing for the person who posted the content. People who also draw attention to the post can also cause more harm than help a person. I do not believe in publicly shaming someone. I believe that it normally ends in cyberbullying. However, if you are a parent trying to teach your child a lesson and they believe in public shaming them to teach them a lesson then that is okay because that is their child and they will parent as they see fit. The picture below is a good example of public shaming and makes me think that a parent was trying to teach a lesson to their child.

Related image

Three tips to keep in mind about posting online:

1. Always, Always! check what you want to post. Check your caption, and check why you want to the world to see your content. See my last blog post (Check yourself...Is what you post private?)

2. Ask yourself "What is the worse possible thing that could happen when you post content?" This is a good question that I picked up from my social media class as we watched a TED Talk about a Twitter employee whose job was to analyze content on Twitter and see if the content was harmful or not. 

3. Finally, make sure that you will not get fired from your job because of what you posted on your social media accounts. It is embarrassing to write on a job application that you got fired over what you said on social media. You will look like an uncreditable and non trusted employee.

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